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Barents Road Side Event at High North Dialogue 2023 in Bodö. Welcome!

Barents Road International Organisation organises a Side Event at High North Dialogue 2023 in Bodö. You are very welcome to join us in Bodö!

Youth in the Barents region as the part of Arctic. The role of culture in creating of attractive living conditions for present and future generations.

Date: 18th of April 2023

Time: 16:30 – 17:30

Place: Bodö, Stormen Library, Litteratursalen

Daniel Smirat - Chair of Barents Road International Organization/Chair of the City Council, Luleå, Sweden (speaker and moderator)

Ida Maria Pinnerød – Mayor of Bodö or Ola Smeplass - Deputy Mayor, Bodö, Norway

Patti Bruns - Secretary-General of the Arctic Mayors' Forum

Jari Vilén - Ambassador for Barents and Northern Dimension, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland.

Erkki Parkkinen - Mayor of Salla, Finland

Vilma Ohrankämmen - The Local Federation of East Lapland, Finland

Tora Lovise Johansen – Politician, Saltdal Municipality, Norway

Charlotte Nyheim Youth Coordinator, Bodö 2024, Norway

Cecilia Patriarca - Adviser on Climate and Environment, Dragefossen AS

Organized by:

Barents Road International Organisation

Contact persons:


This side-event will gather young people, politicians and civil servants from across the Barents Region to discuss how Barents municipalities can be attractive and competitive through creation of attractive living conditions for young people. The panelist will also discuss the role of culture in creating of attractive living conditions and preventing brain drain and youth emigration. Barents cities and municipalities are experiencing young people moving to bigger cities. What should municipalities do to be attractive for their young residents and to retain their young people? What is the role of culture in maintaining of young people?

Politicians and civil servants are going to present measures in place to attract and maintain young people in their cities/municipalities. Young participants will have an opportunity to speak about their vision of the future of the Barents. What is important for young people? What do they dream about? What will make them stay?

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